Who's with us?

Why Savonlinna and the Saimaa Phenomenon?
The enchanting city of Savonlinna is the candidate for European Capital of Culture (ECoC) 2026 among the provinces of eastern Finland (North and South Savonia, North and South Karelia), and their respective central cities: Kuopio, Mikkeli, Joensuu, and Lappeenranta. Collaboration and ideas for building the network started in earnest in the summer of 2018.
From the time of inception, an important part of the mission has been to encourage everyone to join in - artists, cultural influencers, NGOs, entrepreneurs, summer dwellers, tourists - everyone! First and foremost, Saimaa is a state of mind that everybody can achieve. Saimaa belongs to all of us!
The area included in the Savonlinna Capital of Culture project is determined by natural boundaries consisting of the Greater Saimaa and Vuoksi watersheds, and characterised by a common history and culture inspired by water.
1. Kiuruvesi
2. Vieremä
3. Sonkajärvi
4. Keitele
5. Pielavesi
6. Iisalmi
7. Lapinlahti
8. Rautavaara
9. Vesanto
10. Tervo
11. Kuopio
12. Siilinjärvi
13. Kaavi
14. Rautalampi
15. Suomenjoki
16. Leppävirta
17. Tuusniemi
18. Varkaus
19. Nurmes
20. Juuka
21. Lieksa
22. Polvijärvi
23. Kontiolahti
24. Joensuu
25. Ilomantsi
26. Outokumpu
27. Liperi
28. Rääkkylä
29. Tohmajärvi
30. Kitee
32. Joroinen
33. Rantasalmi
34. Heinävesi
35. Enonkoski
36. Kangasniemi
37. Mikkeli
38. Juva
39. Sulkava
40. Savonlinna
41. Hirvensalmi
42. Pertunmaa
43. Mäntyharju
44. Puumala
45. Savitaipale
46. Taipalsaari
47. Ruokalahti
48. Parikkala
49. Luumäki
50. Lemi
51. Lappeenranta
52. Imatra
53. Rautjärvi